This course has been developed by (Prof Sally Lukose Dean,School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Galgotias University).The Pi of this subject is (Prof.G.S. Bajpai Registrar, National Law University, Delhi)and team members/contenr writers are (Rajeev Kumar, (Division of Forensic Science, SBAS, Galgotias University) || Saroj K. Amar, (Dept of Forensic Science, LPU) || Mamta ., (School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Galgotias Universi ty, Greater Noida) || Sally Lukose, (School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Galgotias University) || Anugya Mittal, (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi) || Vinny Sharma, (Division of Forensic Science, SBAS, Galgotias University) || Prashant Agrawal, (Division of Forensic Science, SBAS, Galgotias University) || Neeharika Srivastava, (Division of Forensic Science, SBAS, Galgotias University) || Amitabh Biswas, (Division of Forensic Science, SBAS, Galgotias University) || Priti Sharma, (Division of Forensic Science, SBAS, Galgotias University)).This course is being offered/adopted by this university
